92946535(web) - Tax Services

Personal and business tax issues occupy all our thoughts on a daily basis. The rules are complex and unplanned consequences are extremely costly and frustrating. Throughout the course of Mark’s career, he has compiled over 30 years experience in dealing with personal and business tax issues for sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations and S corporations.

Our goal at Boebel Valuation & Tax is to plan for and manage the personal and business income tax aspects of our client’s lives. In doing so, we stay abreast of the ever-changing tax code and its application. This enables us to explain its relevance to our clients and assist them in minimizing its impact as well as plan for its drain on personal and business cash flows.

Our firm emphasizes tax planning with a proactive approach. As taxprofessionals we have the expertise, experience and knowledge to identify tax issues and ideas for your specific situation. We strive to balance tax compliance, tax strategies and tax planning techniques to come to reasonable and thoughtful approach to deal with the financial impact of our federal and state tax codes.Boebel Valuation & Tax can offer individuals and business owners:

  • New business strategic planning – entity selection, registration with state of Wisconsin, application for appropriate identification numbers and accounts including income, payroll and sales tax filings
  • Income tax planning – personal and business
  • Income tax return preparation – personal and business including multi-state returns
  • Income tax audit – tax assessment evaluation and rebuttal as well as professional representation